India of my dreams!

The specialty of dreams is you can watch it with your open eyes too. You can stay in that dream, feel its beauty and weave a story about it. Dreams have no boundaries, Dreams are free from manipulations and discretion. Apart from all my other dreams, the most special and important dream, I dream about almost every day is INDIA, my Country of my dreams.

I am a little bit of everything INDIA is, I am in the colors of Holi, flashes of lightning in Diwali, I am the sweet taste of all the mithais, I am a prayer in Temples, and dua in a Masjids, If I have tasted the flavor kheer, I have also relished sheerkhurma. I am North, I am south, indifferent I stand apart. I am a little truth, I am a little anger, I am the ray of a hope and I am Dreamer. The beauty of India lies in its cultural diversity. But some elements are harsh, bitter, corrupted and unjust and they ruin its beauty. When I dream about INDIA, I can only see it as the INDIA of my Dreams, I wish for the era when I could see the end of:

Child Trafficking:

Frequency: HIGH    Priority level: Low

As per the National Crime Records Bureau, there have been redundant cases where children just disappear overnight, as many as one in every eight minutes. India has high numbers of reported Child Trafficking cases. Just to enslave them and put them to streets to beg, to rot, they are taken from their homes to sell in the market, kidnapped or tricked by giving them false promises. In India specifically, it is estimated that there are around 135,000 children trafficked each year.

They undergo mental harassment and also sexual exploitation at a very tender age. Whenever I see a kid begging at a Traffic Signal I just feel like asking him, why are you doing this? Is someone forcing you to do this? If at all you get time, just try to look deeper into their eyes, it looks merely like a stone, with no hope for tomorrow, no desires as if they have become robots to their master.

Prevailing Rape Culture

Frequency: Highest   Priority level: Low

The biggest social stigma prevailing and spreading like an uncontrolled fire. Because it is uncontrolled and untamed. With the rising incidents of Sexual Harassment, people have come up with different ways and means to pinpoint the victim in all the possible ways. When a woman is raped or mistreated, she loses life inside her, no man can understand the amount of pain she goes through her whole life. Yet, she is judged and questioned, on her character, dressing, working late hours, getting promotions, good perks. Not everyone misuses the privilege of being a woman. Whenever a rape is reported, instead of focusing on the culprits, people search for the victim and start passing judgement on her lifestyle. No matter how a girl prefers to live her life, she never invites this life-threatening trouble for her in any given circumstances. With each reported case, with higher intensities of crime involved… I waited for a historic judgement which will prove as a benchmark and give a lesson to the culprits and mount a fear in people before even thinking about it. But till date, I have been waiting and it seems the wait will last for eternity as the society is busy running after trivial matters.

Unhealthy Living Condition:

Frequency Level: Highest level one can imagine     Priority: Low

India once being addressed as the Sone ki Chidiya(Golden bird) is sometimes perceived as a poor nation because of the picture we present to the foreign visitors when they visit India. The unhygienic conditions, polluted environment, garbage, and waste. I agree with the lieu of “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” things have changed, but still it on a broader level it is being missed somewhere. We still need more medical facilities for the underprivileged ones. And why only Under-privileged, why not each and every citizen of this country? This is not too much to ask for? This is a very basic need of each and every individual breathing as an Indian Citizen.

Job Prospects:

HIghly needed!      Priority: Moderate

I do agree that with the new advancements and new innovations, the doors have to new employment opportunities. But still, people with a good amount of knowledge and degrees, struggle hard to find a secure job. We have Seventh pay commission and various payment structure for government jobs and also for semi-government companies. But in Private companies, there is nothing uniform. There exists no structured pay scale, In ABC company an MBA gets 60,000 p.m and in XYZ same MBA gets 20,000. I know, it will be a topic of debate for many questioning the caliber of the candidate but have a look around the pay scale, perks & benefits of government employees and have a reality check on the criteria of the job and you will find the answers for yourself. A company always has the option to extend probation, give warnings or even fire the underperforming employee. But for that, first, we need a fair chance. Women who want to return to work after their maternity break or after a long break due to family constraints find it very difficult to get back to the career path. We still have hardly any company which provides childcare to its employees so that they don’t have to quit working. The case shouldn’t be restricted to women, it should be for men too. who is a single parent or want to take the responsibility of a child as equally as a mother. The opportunity should be equal and open to all irrespective of category and gender an individual hails.

Deep Routed Corruption

Intensity Level: Beyond     Priority: Lowest

Now, this is something we struggle in daily life, right from a clerical level government staff to the highest of authorities. To get something done, that too from a government-run institution is still a tedious task. First of all, it will not happen at once, you will be sent from desk to desk and secondly, you will ask for end number of the document just to kill time. People are still not clear about many of their basic rights and these parasites sitting on the other side of desk misuse their power. I will like to support this with a recent incident, MY brother lost his Mobile Phone, through IMEI number and mobile phone location, he is a tech-savvy person could trace the exact location of the phone. He reported it to the police, seeking help and the reply he got from them was epic, saying that if you have searched for the location then why not find the person as well, it will save our time. For them, it must be just a mobile phone, but nowadays our whole world is in that palm-sized gadget. It becomes very difficult when something like this happens because we have so many important apps wherein our login credentials are mentioned if in the wrong hands this could lead to heavy financial and emotional loss of an individual.

I dream for a clean and responsible India. India is incredibly beautiful, known for its rich culture and tradition. I wish to see a better India with better facilities and opportunities. This my dream, Mere Sapno ka Bharat. What do you think? no matter which country you belong to, you always dream about a better tomorrow and I think that is important.

Love from India 🙂





20 thoughts on “India of my dreams!

  1. It is always good to read your articles, but, this article you touched the core sensitive issues, India is dealing with. Good work! I have scheduled a post to publish tomorrow which talks about issues with our technical education. Again, fantastic post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Priyanka, this reflection is translated straight from the heart into words on our India and your emotions as a person representing the nation’s colors. These are important issues such as health, rape, corruption, jobs and unhealthy living conditions. About time for changes to happen at the grassroots level. The irony is we are not poor but made to be on account of our natural resources but politicians lacking spine.

    Liked by 1 person

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