First Guest Post – Do you chase Love?

Hello everyone!

Recently I got this wonderful opportunity to contribute my writing to an amazing platform Women With Gifts International 

Women With Gifts is a global platform and a nonprofit, 501 (c)3 organization created by women for women.

They aim to reach, teach and empower low-income women and families who have the ultimate goal to become self-sufficient and help other women on their way up. 

They are changing one woman at a time! By supporting their business, their stories, and journey through life. Do visit their blog!!

Please read my post on chasing love! 🙂

Guest Blog| Do YOU Chase Love?

Do you chase love?

“Two things you will never have to chase: True friends & true love.”

I believe in love and I am a die-heart romantic person when it comes to express love. I believe love is meant to be expressed and live fully with. But I feel with the changing times love is also losing its essence. Love used to be a serious affair, I still remember when I found the man of my dreams who is now my husband 🙂 I decided to marry him and waited for him for five years, we managed to survive long-distance relationship yet stayed loyal to each other. Today we are together and married for eight years.

Our love story was blooming far away from the internet era and today it has become so easy to find someone with your basic parameters on your friend list or the various dating apps available. We have so many options nowadays to chase love, to continuously search for THE ONE and everything has become so convenient.

We have become so addicted to the company of someone who can love us, pay attention to us and whom we can rely upon, that we just cannot stay alone, we fear loneliness and we bump into dating apps, trying to find a perfect match, flaunting our best side, smiling and slaying. We want to be loved and for that never-ending search of love we dwell into many wrong relationships and this chase never ends rather we end up hurting and disappointing ourselves.

We always seek validation from others, we want to look good, we want to get noticed by someone and wish to get some special attention.

Love will find a way on its own, you don’t have to chase it. The more you chase love the more it will keep running from you like a butterfly. It looks beautiful and you want it but fail to catch it, but when you sit still and try to experience the beauty it sits near you and you are not even aware many times.

This Valentine promise yourself, especially if you are single, you will not get hurt, you will not put yourself in wrong relationships just for sake of it. You will cut yourself from all the toxic relationships. You will start loving yourself, listen to yourself, talk to yourself. Your inner self needs you.

Self-love is not selfish. Love yourself first and rest will fall in place.

Much love and gratitude,



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