Flowers on the Path – Sadhguru

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I was an avid reader until the last few months. I took up a lot of things on my shoulder with my household responsibilities, work, and studies. In this process, many times our daily routine and our health take a toll.

It was when I started receiving those warning signal from my inner-self, asking me to take it easy and I listened to them and I started decluttering.

I took up Research in Psychology which requires a lot of patience, dedication and time, same like raising a kid, I already have two (my baby girl and my blog 🙂 )

Also read: My Blog My Happy Place

Hence I have postponed it for a while and instead underwent two certification courses in order to raise my awareness in the subject matter. (Advanced Mental Illness and Mental Health Ambassador)

It is always a good idea to challenge yourself to test your abilities, at least I do this to myself more often and I come out with a very effective result and solution every time.

Now coming back to the main topic of this blog, i.e Book Reading, of which I was very guilty because I could see around ten books lying unread in my bookshelf. I am so obsessed with buying books that if given a choice between clothes, cosmetics or anything I will definitely prefer buying books and my husband is always proud of this choice, as it is pocket-friendly too 🙂

To rekindle the relationship between me and my books, I gave myself a challenge, One book One week and then write a short review of the book, which excited me.

I am not a great reviewer because I have a set mind on what kind of books I read and pick up to buy and they are mostly the good ones, neither do I have that critical eyes, I just enjoy the flow of words and if a book doesn’t excite me I keep it aside without criticizing the efforts of the writer.

Flowers on the Path by Sadhguru

I started with the first one “Flowers on the Path, by Sadhguru. I am very fond of his intellectual insights. I admire his knowledge and absolute clarity in his perception, ever since I read his book “Inner Engineering”, A yogis guide to Joy.

Flowers on the Path is a very beautiful narration of everyday life by Sadhguru. The book is divided into three sections, Everyday flowers, Flowers on the Path and Flowers of the Beyond.

The most amazing experience of reading a book is, in the end, the reader should feel a sense of connectivity, content, filled with some information and the willingness to the part that information to other, This book gave me the exact feeling of contentment.

The entire spiritual journey is being mapped out in terms of floral imagery by Sadhguru and how a human mind is compared to the flower while its stem is being considered similar to the spine.

I would like to draw your attention towards below-mentioned learnings from the book:

  1.  It says that your child should do something that you did not even dare to think of in your life. We need to encourage our child to be intelligent and aware, everything else to fulfill his intelligence has been given to him already.
  2. Most of the parents have this idea of intelligence, in their child turning a doctor, engineer or CEO in the future. They want to live their life through their children most of the times, adhering to the social structures.
  3.  Just allow the intelligence, the skills of the child to bloom, be their guide and not master.
  4. The very quality of our life is decided by the type of relationships we hold, take the needed effort right on time.
  5. Our idea of good and bad is taught to us by the social atmosphere we live in.
  6. How your own energies can help you see things you never imagined possible by channelizing them in the right direction
  7. Be open to learning, hence to grow.
  8. When you are in your mind, you don’t travel anywhere.
  9. Don’t be obsessed but be possessed by the path you have chosen in life
  10. Rising above the limitations and believing in the inner self.

The book is crisp, concise, very light and simply put. Each chapter is short and precise enough to make its point.

I loved the way Sadhguru with his unique insights puts his point forward by not indulging into verbose prose, rather he uses simple words and simple examples which leaves the lasting impression on the reader’s mind.

Reading my next now, I guess one week is fair enough 🙂 What are you reading now?

Much love and gratitude



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