How to deal with toxic people

How to deal with toxic people and take care of our mental health? I am sure this question ponders everyone, because each of us has got that one toxic person in our life.

It is a very amusing fact, how one person can control our emotional vulnerability? Out of so many good people around us and even well-wishers, we fall for that one toxic person in our life and let him/her cause so much stress to us.

Who are toxic people and how to deal with toxic people?

Someone said, “You can’t change someone who doesn’t see an issue in their actions”. The one who doesn’t even take responsibilties of their action will never understand the amount of pain it may cause to others.

1.) The one who disregards your feelings

2.) The one who ignores your boundaries

3.) The one who treats you in a harmful way

4.) The one who is jealous of you

5.) The one who judge you

Who are toxic people

When you discover a person with such traits in your life make sure you set healthy boundaries with them or if they cause you enormous mental suffering then let them know that they need to go away from your life.

It is for your own good, for your own mental peace, for how long will you hold on to someone, thinking they would understand you or be happy seeing you grow as a person. Not everyone you meet in your life will be happy to see you excel, FACT of life!

Toxic People are the ones, instilled with two unique characteristics, Jealousy, and Judgement. People who are jealous of you are highly toxic, the reason being; they have so much self-insufficiency within them, that when they see someone else doing things which makes them self-sufficient, they cannot digest.

Over the time they have built up so much of self-hatred, (which they do not realize) that they see bad in every other person around them. From jealousy comes judgement, validation, criticism. They feel that everyone around them is awful and lacking in some or the other way.

“Dear Self: Stop re-opening your doors for toxic people, then calling it “seeking closure”. Certain things don’t work out in life.. and that’s ok” – Reyna Biddy

Taking care of your mental health 

How deal with toxic people and yet stay sane? How can we take care of our mental health when we are so stressed with their behaviour?

We all come across such people in our whole life, no matter in what profession we are or which place we belong to. It is part of our culture as a whole.

Toxic people have this immense power to make our life a living hell just by passing their negative vibes around us.

How to deal with toxic people

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Cut down:You know it’s time to cut down on such people from your life when you resort to an unhealthy coping mechanism and you see your self-esteem dwindling.

Step back: You need to step back , when you see yourself going a few steps back from where you traveled this far, you realize you have been unhappy in their presence and you find it very difficult to make them understand yourself and lose your temper.

Detach: Learn to identify these toxic elements or toxic people in your life and learn to detach from them, only to attach yourself to gain higher aspirations in life.

Nothing and noone who cause you a mental distress will ever understand that their words and their actions are troubling you, so instead of expecting them to change. Find ways to work on yourself.

Take care of your mental health, because it matters.

Much love and gratitude



8 thoughts on “How to deal with toxic people

  1. I second this! Priyanka, you are absolutely true. Letting toxic people leave is a necessity and not a healthy choice for our well-being. I can resonate with your post so well as I was in a toxic relationships for many years and finally let it go 2 years ago. I must say, my life has dramatically changed for good and since then I have not looked back. Love the way you have put everything about this in the post. Keep it up!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Priyanka, the truth and they are energy vampire taking every bit of your positive vibes. It doesn’t matter if they are relatives or friends, time to chuck them out rather than arguing pointlessly with them. What we need at the end of the day is sanity! Spread love and hatred. Let them pull whatever they want down for in the end, they are pulling themselves down.

    Liked by 1 person

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