Navratri -Day 6- Katyayani

Sixth Day of Navragtri belongs to Katyayani maa.

We are on day 6 of Durga Festival– Navratri.Lets see what significance does this day holds: Sixth day of the nine days belongs to Devi Katyayani. The goddess is seated on lion and has three eyes and four arms. The destroyer of evil demon– Mahishasur.

She is associated with the fierce forms of Shakti or Durga, a Warrior goddess, which also includes Bhadrakali and Chandika, and traditionally she is associated with the colour red.

Skanda Purana mentions her being created out of the spontaneous anger of Gods, which eventually led to slaying the demon, Mahishasura, mounted on the lion given to her by Goddess Parvati.

She was born a daughter of Katyayana Rishi, born in the Katya lineage originating from Vishwamitra, thus called Katyayani, “daughter of Katyayana”. Her exploits are described in the Devi-Bhagavata Purana and Devi Mahatmyam, part of the Markandeya Purana attributed to sage Markandeya Rishi, who wrote it in Sanskrit ca. 400-500 CE.

Over a period of time, her presence was also felt in Buddhist and Jain texts and several Tantric text, especially the Kalika-Purana(10th century), which mentions Uddiyana or Odradesa (Odisha), as the seat of Goddess Katyayani and Lord Jagannath.In Hindu traditions like Yoga and Tantra, she is ascribed to the sixth Ajna Chakra or the Third eye chakra and her blessings are invoked by concentrating on this point.

Watch out this space for next 3 days , to know more about various forms of Durga Maa.

Read about Skandamata maa here

Much Love and Gratitude

Priyanka Nair (Sanity Daily)

Fact Courtesy: Wikipedia

Image courtesy: Roova Lijuan

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