Reflection for the year 2019

Happy New Year 2020 to all my WordPress friends, fellow bloggers and subscribers here 🙂 It has been a lovely journey with you all.

I have learned a lot from you all and you all have been a major source of strength to me. I often wonder what made me blog everyday, what made me write new posts and poetries, what made me launch my second blog Sanity Daily and then I realise that it is that little encouragement, positive feedback and appreciation which one gets for their work, keep them going. It kept me going.

Priyanka Nair

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Everybody mostly talks about what they gained or achieved towards the end of the year, as if a new year promised to give you only positivity in life. I feel we all get equal opportunities and equal time to make things work for us and depends upon how hard we are able to run against the tide, fight the fight inside our head daily, get up and show up. Face the world fearlessly.

Although I have a list of achievements to show and so many learnings to be shared with you all but honestly speaking, I was at my lowest this year, my mental health was at the weakest mode and I have struggled daily with myself, hustled daily to stay in life. Made even with my high-functioning depression and let it reside withing me, as if we made a deal to survive each other.

I advocate mental health not only because people lack awareness because we as individuals, as sufferers too lack awareness. We become hard to oursleves, we don’t pay attention and we expect a lot from ourselves neglecting our capacities.

It is ok not to feel ok, it is ok to be sad, it is ok to take your time, it is ok to shut down for a while, it is ok to sit alone and reflect on your life but yes it is equally ok to seek help, to talk to someone and be there for someome.

I am still struggling with my daily life but writing, reading, meditating,exercise have kept me going and above all it’s my my little daughter who is my house of positivity, she understands me and has become so understandable at such a young age that she turns my counselor and heals me with her cute and innocent talks.

I am not saying that I have recovered fully or neither I am in such a bad state that I will lose my mind, but today I have atleast gained the courage to open up and speak about my own mental health status.

Priyanka Nair

I feel it’s not about a year or month, things move in it’s own pace, life has got it’s own cycle to complete and we all have to face all the ups and downs we are supposed to, may be as per our karmic balance.

Another year could be a sign of a new hope but for me it is just same old thing, only dates have changed and I will be growing one more year older 🙂

Keep writing my dear friends and never stop doing what you love to do, never feel lonely and always try to talk to someone, remember you are not alone. We are together in this.

Our mental health matters and it begins with me, mental health is for real and is as important as physical health so please take care. Have a mind blowing 2020.

Much love and gratitude


6 thoughts on “Reflection for the year 2019

  1. Pingback: Why we should talk about Mental Health? - Virtual Siyahi

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