1000 Followers – I am Blogging -Gratitude Post

Hi fellow bloggers and readers,

I am Blogging ЁЯЩВ and I woke up to 1000 followers notification today morning.

No mental health gyan (preaching) today ЁЯЩВ

Just a little happiness and gratitude to share with you all. That is how we blog, right?

I crossed 1000 subscribers mark today, I feel this is what matters the most for a blogger in his blogging tenure. No Instagram followers or Facebook followers can match with the satisfaction of the blog subscribers.

Blog subscribers are not merely numbers for me, they are my source of motivation for improved blogging, each addition in the subsciption list has only helped me to belive in myself and my voice to express myself as a writer.

Virtual Siyahi 1000 followers

It is because of you all I could launch my second blog and get into professional blogging, Sanity Daily-Mental Health and Stress Management.

I thank you all for being there, for reading what I write and help me continue in this journey of blogging.

I have always shared what all I have learned in my two years of blogging, my growth rate has been slow as I was not regular in my first year of blogging.┬а

As I learned few skills and upgraded myself, I started posting blogs consistently. I overcame all my fears right from my English, to my writing skills to my expression in form of my YouTube Vlogs.

I have learned a lot in last one year and have found many like-minded people who are now my friends.

I wish you will support me like this in future as well and continue to motivate me to write more and help me spread mental health and wellness awareness through my daily blogs.

Thank you everyone, as I always say much love and gratitude,

Priyanka Nair ЁЯЩВ


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